Poor Belgium, before Danneels, Suenens

Before Cardinal Danneels the Church was lead by Cardinal Suenens. He stated that God, as He was conceived by the Catholic Church, is the opium of the people and should die. No wonder then the Churches are empty today.

"Men and Christians .... have made an idol of God, a caricature of God. Before condemning Atheism, it serves to know what is the God that it wants to destroy.

Let us take a moment to examine some of the current images of God, which were very common a short time ago ....

That God which is found in the beginning as an architect and engineer in repose, like one who explains and covers the ignorance and incapacity of man is also the one that presently guarantees the established order, the status quo, who shields authority with divine right and protects the strong against revolutions, who requires patience from the poor, who impedes social reforms: He is the opium of the people.

We can analyze diverse caricatures of God. To mention just one: let us think of the caricature of the God as Providence who "providentially" allowed us to avoid some misfortune, but who permitted the same misfortune to happen to someone else. It is a type of second-rate providence ....

It is really understandable that this God should die so that the world lives, and also so that God lives."
