The Carmel in Echt
Netherlands where St Edith Stein was arrested prior to being taken to Auschwitz in Poland, where she was killed with her sister, Rosa shortly after her arrival. She is the saint with no grave.

She was declared the co-patroness of Europe in 1999

The Convent chapel

The Shrine that has been erected to St Edith Stein in Echt Parish Church. On the right, her choir robe. On the left what seems like an altar containing secondary relics in the display case. But mindful of the post-conciliar "requirements" that there should only be one altar in a Church, the top slopes so the shrine becomes more like a display case.

Relics; as well as a book published after the saint's death.

She was declared the co-patroness of Europe in 1999

The Convent chapel

The Shrine that has been erected to St Edith Stein in Echt Parish Church. On the right, her choir robe. On the left what seems like an altar containing secondary relics in the display case. But mindful of the post-conciliar "requirements" that there should only be one altar in a Church, the top slopes so the shrine becomes more like a display case.

Relics; as well as a book published after the saint's death.
