Feast of Our Lady in Expectation

In Bavaria, a statue of Our Lady in processed from house to house in the parish in memory of Our Lady and St Joseph's search for lodgings.
The Feast was removed from the Roman Calendar during the reign Pope St Pius X (in the name of simplification!). The Feast is long overdue for restoration in the calendar, not least as an antidote to the rampant commercialism of Christmas that Pope St Pius would never have dreamed of, and as Our Lady under this title is a most excellent Patroness of Expectant Mothers.
Our Lady in Expectation is venerated in Bavaria at Bodenburg
and in Austria in the Parish of Ohlsdorf (see first picture)
Our Lady in Expectation often shown with her arms crossed, as in this statue in the Dominican Museum in Rottweil
Our Lady in Expectation venerated in Italy.

Venerated in the Church of St Catherine in Bergamo, Italy.
And the most famous of all, Madonna del Parto, also known as Our Lady of the O, recalling the "O" Antiphons.
