Bishop blesses liturgical abuse

by visiting parish to say Mass. Cathcon has already reported on this parish in Austria where the servers (mostly female) dress as if they were members of a sect and they follow a twig and not the Cross of Christ. (The window says "Infinitely far from us and yet so near" intended both to describe God and to address lapsed Catholics!!). So what were no less than two Bishops doing concelebrating Mass in this dreadful parish. One of the Bishops was the Bishop Ludwig Schwarz of Linz whose predecessor had to resign because of the liturgical abuse scandals in the Diocese, but now clearly can't recognise the same scandals himself. The other was Bishop Alois Schwarz of Kärnten. Unbelievably, the Church was specially chosen for Mass at the end of the annual meeting of Austrian deacons. The Bishop evidently believes that this Church and her resident deacon are examples to follow. Not if one wants to preserve the Catholic Faith in Linz and Austria.

How can the Bishop of Linz be unaware as he celebrates Mass in this Parish?

That they turned their Church into a dining room for the Feast of St Francis.

Reverencing an altar (but maybe a lecturn- "table of the word" as opposed to "table of the eucharist" to use modernist terms-seems to be used for both purposes)

Junk at the foot of the altar on the same occasion.

How can the Bishop not know about the Deacon who attempted to say Mass? But all smiles here.

This deacon is no saint.

Was Bishop not informed about this Mass which took place shortly after his visit? Called a Political Mass/ Harvest Thanksgiving. What would he have said if he had turned up on the wrong day?

This is the communion. Yes, I had to rub my eyes in disbelief.

Another picture of the communion

And yet another Linz "stealth priestess"
A compliment the miniature "priestesses" that the Bishop could not fail to notice.

at the Mass at which he presided

Nor could he have failed to notice the twig veneration and the strangely dressed servers

And he definitely saw the vessels totally unworthy of offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Is that a piece of bread on the altar? Was it consecrated along with the hosts? Who knows in the mad liturgical world of the Diocese of Linz? How can this Bishop correct any liturgical abuse?
