The Inn at the End of the World

Comments about Cathcon from this esteemed blog

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Only for the Stout-hearted

I mean this blog: Catholic Church Conservation. This blog's author chronicles the continuing destruction of the Catholic architectural heritage which the hapless bench has decreed in this country. But don't visit without a stiff drink. It's heart-rending stuff.

I've mentioned this blog before but it seemed it wasn't being updated. Oops. It is [Every day-Cathcon]. But one needs to scroll down to find the most recent posts. The oldest are at the top[I think the newest are at the top-Cathcon]. Do scroll down; it's a chronicle that should be preserved for our Catholic posterity, if any. Amazing priorities exhibited here. I would have kept the churches and sold off the bishops. [Sell the bureaucrats, the pseudo-clericalised laity elite and their offices first-Cathcon]

I am going to be storing off-line and printed form as much of the material as possible for precisely this reason.
