Cardinal Müller speaks of an hour of great tragedy caused by Roman silence

Cardinal Gerhard Müller describes the situation in the Church that arose with the synodal path in Germany as an “hour of great tragedy”. In an interview with the "Tagespost", the former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said that the competent authorities in the Vatican had underestimated the whole process and the "Furor teutonicus" from the start, so that historical parallels had to be drawn:

“During the Reformation, Rome, by doing nothing or doing too late, was partly responsible for the defection of large parts of the Catholic Church throughout Northern Europe. It is highly regrettable that the responsible authorities here are delusional about the German situation and do not meet their responsibility energetically enough to be the everlasting principle and foundation of the unity of the Church in the revealed truth of Christ".

Hostile takeover by bishops and theologians

The Cardinal also spoke to this newspaper about the global Synodal process, in connection with which he spoke of a "hostile takeover" in an interview in America. In the "Tagespost" he specifies: "Synodality is anchored in the practice of the Church. Now the abstract concept of synodality is made into a principle of the Church. One then speaks of a synodal church. What is strange, however, is that the characteristics of the church – one, holy, catholic, apostolic – are in the Creed and cannot simply be multiplied at random.” According to Müller, the "hostile takeover"is being carried out by Bishops and theologians "who no longer recognize the basic principles of the Catholic faith".

Synodal path began with "constitutional breach"

The cardinal made a harsh judgment on the blessing celebrations for same-sex couples decided by the synodal path in Germany: This decision was "invalid and heretical in content" because it clearly "contradicts the revealed understanding of marriage and also the natural, reason-based anthropology".

But for Müller, the mistake happened at the beginning of the synodal path: "When it was expressly said that the decisions of the Synodalists also apply if they violate the content of the Catholic faith." In lay terms, that is a breach of the constitution of the Church. The Synodal Assembly does not formally act at the level of the magisterium and, on the other hand, part of the bishops' conference cannot represent the entire magisterium of the Catholic Church.

You can read the detailed interview with Cardinal Gerhard Müller in the next issue of the "Tagespost" - together with an analysis of the current status of the worldwide Roman Synod of Bishops on Synodality.

