Pontificate of Pope Francis to be consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima

On May 13 in Fatima, in celebration of which are invited all the people of God, the pontificate of Pope Francis will be consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima. In response to the request made by the Pope to Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, José Policarpo, to consecrate his pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima, the Portuguese bishops decided that this consecration will be done next May 13. The consecration will be inserted in the program of international pilgrimage of 12 and 13 May,on the 13th, at a time to be announced.

The anniversary international pilgrimage in May marks 96 years since the first apparition of Our Lady to the seers, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta and will be presided over by the Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Orani Tempesta.

In his opening speech of 181st Plenary Assembly of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference,José Policarpo Francisco revealed that the Pope had asked him twice, that consecrate his Petrine ministry to Our Lady of Fatima.

At the time of the announcement, José Policarpo said that could accomplish this mandate alone, "in the silence of prayer," but that "it would be indeed good if all the Bishops associated themselves with the accomplishment of this request."

Official source! (link to Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima, now broken.

Cathcon- hopefully the Pope will also clear up the obscurities surrounding the Third Secret of Fatima and (finally!) consecrate Russia to Our Lady of Fatima.   The Russians could dedicate the West to Our Lady of Vladimir so as not to upset ecumenical relations.

As stated before on this blog, this Marian Pope is going to be full of surprises.

Cathcon 2023:  Very nasty surprises
