Mockery of St John Bosco in the worst Mass ever

Is it any wonder when the Salesian Bishop of Linz on the right finds amusing a puppet which is meant to be the founder of his Order, Don Bosco that the Salesians of Don Bosco are in such trouble in Austria? 


 Here are pictures of several Salesian Masses, ending with the worst ever in the whole Catholic world. First, the "Dirty Washing" Mass

 Another from the same Mass. 
 The "Smiley" Mass
 Including a central role for the guitar but not for the Cross  
 The "Smartie" Mass 
 Real smarties for comparison! 
 Meaningless! Symbolising nothing
 Altar "prepared" for a Mountain Mass

 Tee-shirts in dubious taste which would have horrified St John Bosco  

 Would you believe that these people are assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?  

 Yes, once you have seen the "Ping-Pong" Mass. This Salesian Father is presiding at the worst Mass that there has ever been. Please e-mail me if you think that you have seen worse!


 St John Bosco, pray for us!
