
Cardinal Sarah for Pope!

Argentinian proposal to cut ties with Vatican given the totalitarian spirt of Francis regime and friendship with dictators

Shadow Synodalists call Synod of Bishops a Circus of Clowns

Why regular Papal accusations of clericalism are just so wrong. Psychologist: “General suspicion” contributes to the stress of priests

Cardinal Müller attacked as ecclesiastical narcissist with distorted judgment by eminent canon lawyer who defends the regime of the "Dictator" Pope

Catholic devotions for the 19th October

Synod recalled to "Faithfulness and steadfastness" in sermon in St Peter's Basilica. "The Peace of God is given on God's terms, not man's".

Cardinal Zen in hard-hitting new interview: "At the Synod not truths of faith, but psychology" and "The workers of darkness are afraid of the light"

Catholic devotions for the 18th October