
Cathcon featured

Late entry in world's smallest altar competition

Shock, horror I prayed in Latin

Viva St Klara!

Seventh Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies

Weekend getaway

St Wendelin,

The Glory of the Minor Seminary of Hazebrouck

French poodles think they have won

Sisters of Mercy

Little Flower Power

Abbaye de Stavelot

St. Louis Church Fire

Trad Dads

Outspoken magazine of Cuban Church closing down

Want to catalogue a theology library?

Same old story

And the Rhine flowed into the Tiber

Hail the Bread of Angels

Jesuit Urban Center to close in Boston

Happy Birthday to the Pope

Quick tour of Brussels Churches

Anglicans prepare to desecrate


Spiritual director of the North American College in Rome 1974-1979

No longer the Way of the Cross

Catholics once had the Mass

"Ring-o-roses" Altar

Time to say goodbye

The Risen Christ

Catholic Church Conservation gets it right

The restoration of the altars of the Church

Be careful not to trip over the Tabernacle

Your soul according to the art of the Salzburg Franciscans

Enthrone the Sacred Heart in your home

Fruits of Second Vatican Council

Long night of Churches in Linz

Call for laws to protect Holy Relics

Rubbish tip Mass II

Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster

Open Heaven

Another Church set alight

Europe's demographic winter approaches

$5000 reward offered in church arson, vandalism - Local & Regional -

Catholic Faith and Politics

Latin Masses returning to Chico

Fire destroys Catholic Church

A Belated Happy Easter to all Cathcon readers

Election of Pope Pius XII

Cardinal Bertone in the Figaro Magazine