
Archbishop of Freiburg left stunned by incompetence of his predecessor, the former Head of the German Bishops

Gross dereliction of duty and systematic breaches of canon law by former Head of German Bishops

Archbishop Gänswein slams Synodal Path in new interview

The Cardinal who may well become Pope

Pope attaches great importance to dialogue with German bishops

Synodal self-empowerments

Roman incompetence dealing with abuse cases

Pope Francis meets Synod organisers

Archbishop Gänswein on Pope Benedict's abdication

Sanctuary sealed off with barbed wire in Youth Church

Women administering Sacraments

German Church on the edge of the abyss

Anti-abuse initiative demonstrates against Archbishop Gänswein

Priest left behind complete documentation of his crimes of abuse. Case concealed by Church authorities

Can ChatGPT be saved? Protestants now letting computers take services, including preaching.