
Radio Vatican deeply concerned about the result of the Austrian election

Marriage followed by the priesthood: Will priestly celibacy be abolished?

Muslim public holiday in Germany being considered by German Interior Minister

Call for female deacons and married priests from progressive episcopal supporter of Pope Francis

Bishops take on political right-wing

Muslims want distance put between them and "unbelievers" in cemetries

‘Miracle’: Cebu’s Cardinal Vidal wakes up from coma

Full interview- Cardinal Müller speaks out on Catechism, Amoris Laetitia and the Correctio Filialis, attacks bishops

Cardinal Müller criticises national episcopal conferences on Amoris Laetitia

Protestants could be admitted to Catholic Communion next year according to Protestant leader

Bishop resigns after clashing with his diocese over Latin Mass

Archdiocese organises "Miss Catholic Youth" Competition