
Synod elite plotting nothing other than the overthrew of Bishops

Head of German Bishops responds by letter to Rome reprimand

German Bishops respond to Rome

Feast of Saint David of Wales

Bishop defends church blessing of a homosexual carnival prince and princess

Bishop imagines a heretical Cardinal

Cardinal: Church is in need of purification

Explaining the Council's failure by saying it has not yet been implemented- an argument well past its sell-by-date

Former sect members criticise Munich Cardinal Marx

Muslim prayers in a Church in Once-Catholic Ireland

The Cardinal's Stunning Hypocrisy

Head of German Bishops writes back to Rome

Papal Nuncio torpedoes permanent Synod Councils in Germany, whether at national or diocesan level

Cardinal Marx opens exhibition on "Damned Desire"

Feast of St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

Synodal Path debates whether priesthood needed, redefines marriage

Prosecutor's Office accused of timidity and deference in Munich church investigation

German Church in critical situation according to head of Bishops' Conference

Official residence of Cardinal Marx raided by investigators on search for concealed documents