
Synodality is the means for translating the Second Vatican Council into daily life claims Cardinal Grech in new interview

Court in Germany will determine who is the legal successor to Pope Benedict

Hail Glorious Saint Patrick

Putative new Head for CDF applauds direction of German Church

Bavaria's bishops want action about right wing tendencies within the Church

Feast of Saint Jean de Brebeuf

Court bans press statements about Cardinal Woelki but it does not all go his way

Ruth Bader Ginsburg may one day be a Jesuit saint...

Pope makes Archbishop who tried to suppress abuse allegations member of the new Vatican Department for Culture and Education.

Shocking case of sexual abuse in Argentina

Modern church condemned by its own lack of any aesthetic sense

Nuncio to bishops: continue to promote and live Synodality

Terrorist alert: risk of attack on churches in Vienna

German Bishop asks for queer couples or couples who have remarried and divorced or couples who don't want to marry in Church to ask for blessing

Horror interview with head of German Bishops (subtitled)

Synodal Path does not fully correspond to Catholic ecclesiology claims Cardinal

Modernist international networking

Feast of Saint Longinus

Feast of Saint Matilda of Ringelheim

Austrian Bishops: Celibacy and marriage equally valuable

"Jesus is the Lord of Madness"

Synodalists will never be satisfied and are ignoring Rome in any case

Cardinal says that Rome must now decide on whether homosexual couples can receive blessings