
Showing posts with the label modernism

Modernists seeking to destroy the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter

Perfumes, the odour of modernity in the Church

Church books outrageous preacher

Systematic desecration of Austrian Cathedrals and Churches and Monasteries

New Bishop of Innsbruck- made in the Pope's image

"Jesus had two dads and he turned out just fine"

My house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it into a photo-opportunity

The Modern Church suffers from Patty Hearst syndrome

German Jesuit praises the relativism of Pope Francis

Before and after Cupich

Worship space for nuns

To be in (modernist) limbo in the Jesuit church in Vienna

Circus horses in Catholic Cathedral

From the guys who brought you the Shrine to Judas- their Last Supper

Nightmare Cross in Catholic Church

Dominicans, yeah, yeah, yeah

Mass in the Council Remembrance Church in Vienna

Cardinal Marx consecrates modernist bird cage- he must think its an altar

Cardinal Bergoglio consorts with pagan religion founded by a psychic

Cold, heartless and faithless church