
Showing posts with the label modern art installations

Bishop recommends going to see "Jesus is My Homeboy" exhibition

"Art Bishop" celebrates modern art to the exclusion of Jesus Christ. Church diverting quantities of money and time from mission to modern art.

Artist responsible for "Piss Christ" guest of Pope in Vatican

Stench of modernism in Lille Church

"Long Night of the Churches": From "Tattoo Service" to Prison

Crocodile in baptistery! What are the Church authorities thinking?

Church prefers binary code in sanctuary rather than images of saints or angels

Modern artists seize Church

Sanctuary sealed off with barbed wire in Youth Church

Bishop uses Good Friday to defend pig's heart hanging in Church.

Protestant church receives death threats after pole dance show in church

Art historian defends pig's heart Lenten hanging in church

Bishop links synodality and shocking modern art intruded into Churches

New devotion to gymnastic balls in the Diocese of Linz. Balls to make you marvel and smile.