
Showing posts with the label linz

Priest says Linz diocese is a pigsty

Teddy Bear Mass

Taking leave of Catholicism in Austria

Skeleton server in Austria- Mass followed by Circus

St Judas, Patron Saint of Modernists

Widow of Blessed Franz Jägerstätter has died aged 101

Diocese of Linz sinks further into modernist swamp

Hierarchy has phobia of women bishops says leader of Austrian nuns

Open letter to Cardinal from Disobedient Clergy in Austria

More liturgical comedy from Austria

Old Cathedral Linz

Hello Rome- Not only yes and amen- Catholic youth of Linz protest against the Pope

Bishop of Linz has money troubles

Diocese of Linz hits out at Father Wagner

Was voodoo to blame for the Haiti earthquake asks Fr Wagner

The Nightmare of Modernity in the Diocese of Linz

Father Wagner attacks Linz pseudo-clerical elite and Bishop hits back

Stealth Bishop Luise of Linz

One of the anti-Wagner ringleaders is standing for Regional Governor

Stealth priestesses break cover