
Showing posts with the label Bishop Schwarz

Eight Priests in relationships write to the Bishop of Linz

The Linz Love Story- Bishop knew all along

Linz Diocesan Magician performs blessings of homosexuals on St Valentine's Day

Double standards in the Diocese of Linz

Deans, take your partners please for the Linz Waltz

No Apostolic Visitation in Linz according to Austrian TV

Bishop Schwarz trip to Rome- update

Bishop of Linz summoned to Rome

Linz Bishop let Father Wagner fall

Father Wagner- a ringleader of his enemies speaks

The comeback of Father Wagner?

Fr Wagner's parishioners slam Bishop of Linz

How can I revoke my departure from the Catholic Church?

Pastoral Letter of the Austrian Bishops

First Statement of Father Wagner, the Five Minute Bishop of Linz

Bishop of Linz "In the interests and for the benefit of the Diocese"

Bully boy tactics in Linz

New Auxillary Bishop of Linz offers resignation

Diocese of Linz gets what it needs and deserves

The Wisdom of the Labyrinth and the Christian Experience of Grace