Church is moving towards the ordination of women according to prominent Viennese cleric

 Viennese priest in the "Kurier": "God created man as man and woman. Only in this way can we be in his image."

Father Faber is known as God's own lion of society

The Viennese cathedral priest Toni Faber locates movement in the church women's question and refers to the worldwide ongoing synodal process. In an article in the "Kurier" on Sunday under the title "And yet the Church is moving", Faber refers to the "Synodal Way" taking place in Germany and the request to Pope Francis to examine reform ideas for admitting women to ordained offices at world level.

"Listening to each other and learning from each other!" is the motto for the multi-year synodal journey of the universal Church. According to the well-known Viennese priest, the path could not be finished by pointing out that Rome had long since decided negatively on the question of women. For example, he said, admission to the ordained office of deacon was the subject of further consultations in recent years on behalf of the Pope.

"What is already possible beyond that, on the one hand, makes me take an appreciative stance in deep gratitude before the invaluable commitment of women in the Church," Faber holds and writes: On the other hand, "the Church can only credibly address the demand for gender justice to the many necessary fields of action in society if we ourselves do not neglect our homework." Conclusion of the cathedral priest: "Not only on International Women's Day and Mother's Day do I say it humbly and clearly: God created man as man and woman. Only in this way can we be his image."


Cathcon: Father Faber is playing with Galileo's famous phrase, "And yet it moves"


M. Prodigal said…
Maybe that young woman with the low cut dress would make a good 'priest' yah?