Holy War over scientific research

Cathcon translation of Glaubenskrieg um Forschung

Stance on stem cells divides churches

Berlin. In the discussion on research using embryonic stem cells, the EKD Council President, Bishop Wolfgang Huber (Cathcon: Germany’s top Protestant leader) has called openly for a postponement of the previous cut-off date. If the currently available stem cell lines were insufficient, one could agree to a one-off postponement of the deadline for high-level research purposes, Huber said at the weekend. The German Parliament is expected to make a new decision before Easter.

Huber claimed that research with adult stem cells will be pushed forward so that research using embryonic stem cells will be no longer necessary. "The research using embryonic stem cells is ethically a dangerous balancing act. Embryos, we may not understand as things " the Bishop made clear. At the same time, he acknowledged, however, that currently this type of research was necessary if one wants to achieve therapeutic advances.

CDU line is disputed
Bishop Huber’s position therefore represents a similar line to the one which the CDU voted for by a narrow margin at their federal party conference in Hanover in early December. Thereby, a change in the deadline in the stem-cell legislation is not ruled out. The CDU wanted their elected representatives in the Bundestag to vote on the stem cell issue without coercion, said Union group chief Volker Kauder at the weekend. Even Federal Research Minister, Annette Schavan (CDU) emphasized the freedom of the MP’s vote on the issue.

Representatives of the Catholic Church have sharply criticised the CDU decision. The Bishop of Eichstatt, Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke, criticized in this context "legal gymnastics". The Bishop of Fulda, Heinz Josef Algermissen accused scientists and political parties of "hypocritical dealings" with regard to stem cell research. AP / KNA

Cathcon comment:

And then Bishop Huber wonders why the Vatican describes the EKD as a church not in the proper sense of the word. Here, the Pope keeps his distance.
