In another alien alert in Belgium, as an exhibition called WIT, better to say WITless takes over a Catholic Church in Brussels. This was once the Church of the

Stumble over a stone on your way to confession!

I could not find titles for the works of art, but I think these are pomegranates empty of their seds, symbolising that sin does not exist any more.

Snow-flakey Church

The mouse-trap

Naked statue in front of confessional
With the grotesque head.

Their " Altar" which I have seen the parish priest also use as a writing table.
The altar which should be used!

Not surprising that this Church should mock Our Lady

The alien's space ship

This alien is on permanent display in the Church, was there before the exhibition and will be there after it. Unless he gets into his spacecraft and flys off.
See also
Devil and aliens in Church.
The weird red figure is atrocious, but I rather like the Brancusi inspired head (permanent alien). Is it the Magdalen?