
Ads Asking for Fair Appeal Process for Parishes Scheduled to be Closed

Tridentine Mass for dummies

Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council

Scotland on Sunday - The Review - Beyond repair or a city's saving grace?

Flashback to 1997

New Bl. Seelos parish rises from closure of others

The Final Chapter in the Passionist Legacy

St Thomas the Apostle, Harlem

The Renovation Manipulation: Church Counter Renovation Handbook

The Ecclesiastical Exemption in England- Robin Kent

The great Churches of Liverpool


Archdiocese of Berlin, Germany challenged by prospect of bankruptcy

Gambling with the future of parishes

How a Canadian church was saved

My house shall be called a house of prayer...

Leading layman demands an explanation- now.

Church targeted for closure - Church should be faithful to own guidelines

Retreat centre faces closure

My house shall be called a house of prayer...

My house shall be called a house of prayer ..

Church Demolition Week

The diocese wanted to demolish but..