
Roman twilight - the unbreathable atmosphere at the end of Pope Francis' Pontificate.

Second Vatican Council turned the bishops into "absolutist princes"

No more snooping into the private lives of religious education teachers

Secular authorities influencing episcopal appointment in Cologne

Sources deny Archbishop Gänswein is going to Costa Rica as Nuntius

Sheer scale of the crisis revealed by Belgian contribution to German Synodal Assembly

80th Anniversary martyrdom of Beatus dishonoured by modern art in Vienna Cathedral

"Just get married": Spontaneous blessing campaign in Bavarian churches

Bishop links synodality and shocking modern art intruded into Churches

Great Prophetess Greta Thunberg has Episcopal Fan Club

In the post-Conciliar decline, no order has been more damaged and no order has inflicted more damage than the Pope's Jesuits

New devotion to gymnastic balls in the Diocese of Linz. Balls to make you marvel and smile.

Controversial art work to be evicted from Church in time for Holy Week

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Archbishop Gänswein preparing to be Nuntius in Costa Rice

Feast of Saint Benedict, anniversary also of his death

Pope Benedict XVI named as accused by Munich Public Prosecutor's Office

Vatican-caused pain and weeping of Italian contemplative nuns

Archdiocese repudiates the violent destruction of artwork that offended Christianity