
Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam

The logical consequences

50 years ago last Tuesday

Tomorrow is a day of infamy

Cardinal Kasper is convinced.....

Quick lets do a quick Vespers!

The Rocky Horror Rite Of Church Closure

Feast of All Sacred Relics conserved in the Churches of the Cistercian Order

30 October 1984: Pro-Solidarity priest is murdered

Pope Pius XII recites the Pater Noster

2 Jesuit priests are slain in Moscow

Take up your Cross and follow Christ

St Thomas More- the pleas of the Poor Souls in Purgatory

The Mass the Martyrs died for

Feast of the Douai Martyrs

Austrian National Day

Christ the King rules from the Cross

Partial- Birth Abortion:

Lesson for Gordon Brown

The Devotion of France to the Sacred Heart

Imitation of Christ

God is everywhere on the internet

A very much simplified Rule- for laity

Back with a Te Deum

Senator Joseph Biden

Franciscans on the dance floor

The betrayal of loyal Catholics

Founding of the Missionaries of La Salette

Urbi et Orbi

Pope Pius XII in prayer shortly before he died

Denver Archbishop Recalls "Progressive" Nuns

Cardinal Pacelli

Vote against women in the priesthood