
Showing posts with the label liturgical abuse

"Evil Inside" Catholic Liturgy

Hell's own version of the Mass. Techno-Mass in German Catholic Church

Where the spiritual catastrophe began. GoGo Masses of the 60s and 70s.

Another day, another Eucharistic scandal

But whom do you say that I am? More Eucharistic scandal at World Youth Day

Angry modernist complaints when priest will only give Communion on the tongue

Scandal of liturgical mistranslation. It is not "for all", it is "for many"

Ecumenical Requiem for Glacier

This is no way for a priest to behave, least of all at a funeral

Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do. Rock music at the ordination of a priest

Catholic priest leads bathing hut ecumenical service in Switzerland

Church prefers to invite people to the pub rather than the Mass

Bicycle Stunt Mass

Honouring the Sacred Heart- surely not

Institutionalised liturgical abuse in Switzerland. Sacramental life being destroyed

Modernist anticlericalism which seeks to destroy the priesthood. Constant threat to leave the Church if they don't get their way.

Ecumenical Requiem for Glacier

Emptiness of the modernist faith and the new liturgy

Shocking Earth Day Mass

Tattoo better than a Rosary, compared to the beauty of a chasuble....