
Showing posts with the label Pope Francis

What is contextual theology? The reason it is so dangerous to the Catholic Faith

Jesuits say they warned diocese that incardinated him about complaints against Father Rupnik

Papal Commission wanted to meet with Rupnik victims, but they refused because of the conditions laid down

Details of how the Pope's hand was forced on the Rupnik case, with the help of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors

Rupnik victim slams handling of case in new interview. “The Church welcomes” is just a mantra.

Too big to fail: the 7 lives of Marko Rupnik, defended to the bitter end by the Pope

Empty square and tired rituals. Death of a Pontificate

To be able to move forward as a community and build Christ's Church, we need the truth. But can it really be said that Francis is any guarantee of truth?

Victim of Rupnik utterly condemns Papally-sponsored whitewashing of scandal

Scandal heaped upon scandal. Rupnik becomes incardinated priest in Slovenia.

Pope's enforcers use threat of visitation to coerce Faithful

Pope falls victim to rigid, soul-destroying anticlericalism. While others worships the Lord in the beauty of holiness, he is content with the ugliness of modernism.