
Showing posts with the label Germany

Nasty satirical attack on Pope Benedict and President Trump on official Catholic website

Number of extremists triples in the last five years in Germany's populous state

Cardinal: "Democracy does not run by itself"

Central Committee for German Catholics wants church blessings for homosexual couples

Cardinal: no changes expected to Amoris laetitia

Religious leaders react with horror to German election result

German buse Commissioner calls for apologies from Cardinal

Pope Benedict thinks homosexual network in the Vatican could have reformed under his successor

Radical Catholic movement praises bishop as reformer

Angela Merkel is behaving like a Turkish Regional Governor

Merkel re-betrays the Armenians to please Turkey

Angela Merkel betrays the Armenians

Death throws of the Catholic Church in Germany

Cardinal calls for rapid deportations

What is wrong with these German bishops?

German seminarians celebrate Adolf Hitler's birthday

Bishop Williamson to re-visit Germany

New SSPX Superior for Germany

St Judas, Patron Saint of Modernists

Raids against extremist Muslims across Germany