
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Kasper

Cardinal Kasper admits that there is something rotten in Vatican II

Canon lawyer believes leading supporter of Pope in Conclave violated the oath of secrecy

"With John Paul II, we had a pope who became a saint with Francis, we have a saint who was elected Pope"

Cardinal Lehmann could not be happier with the election of the new Pope

Cardinal Kasper's Progressive Pope

Strongest supporter of Pope in the Conclave gives interview

Cardinal Scola works on an election coup

The German's German candidate for the Papacy....from Brazil

Cardinal Kasper plotting an anti-Ratzinger progressive Papacy

Cardinal in interview- Conclave is like a visit to the dentist- clearly the shorter and more painless the better

Cardinal Kasper against quick start to Conclave

Cardinal supports female deacons

Cardinal- no going back on the Second Vatican Council

Cardinal waiting for Pan-Orthodox Council before ecumenical breakthrough

Last attempts at sabotage of the SSPX-Rome deal

Cardinal Kasper- UK is a third world country

Ecumenical wars in Germany- Cardinal speaks to Radio Vatican

"The SSPX position is not Catholic" Cardinal Kasper

Cardinal Kasper urges reunification talks with SSPX

Excessive anti-Catholicism in Germany criticised by Cardinal Kasper