
Showing posts with the label abortion

Head of German Catholic laity wants to ensure that abortion is available throughout Germany

Archbishop planning conference on assisted suicide, says being pro-life is not just about protecting unborn children

Papal initiative to forgive abortion not a first

Cardinal Meisner defends his support of the "morning-after" pill

Will the Swiss Bishops' Conference authorise the "morning after" pill?

German Bishops' ruling on the morning after pill based on scientific myth

"Morning-after pill" - statement of German Bishops Conference in English

Foul play by the German bishops- "Morning after" pill: a fait accompli during the Sede Vacante

Thirty years of killing babies celebrated with jazz and cocktails

Cry not for Ted Kennedy

Life is worthy of Life by Franz Lehar

Curial cardinal: abortion worse than child abuse.

Letter to Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins

Abortion is a blessing according to Anglican priestess

Storm over Bishop Mixa for connecting holocaust and abortion

Pope starts process which will end in excommunication for the obdurate

Anti-Life Catholic US Lawmakers Call for Direct Repudiation of Bishop Williamson's views

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Covering up rape- all in a days work at an abortion clinic

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