
Epitaph of a failed Pontificate

As Pope trashes canon law, the penitential system and Catholic moral teaching, theologian says homosexual couples need, not mercy, but recognition ot their sexual gift

Spanish Bishop calls out Chinese collaborationist cardinal for his errors

Bishop denounces woke ideology

Swiss Synodalist says Synod must talk about abuse and then omits all mention of the Pope and of Rupnik

Catholic devotions for the 3rd October

Anticlerical synodalists threaten to deprive the Church of income to get their way

Pope welcomes frequent-flyer climate hypocrite into Vatican to promote new environmental encyclical. She thinks having children damages the planet.

New Cardinal: Church must continue “effort” to be “exemplary” on the issue of abuse. Effort is simply not good enough!

Never in the whole history of the Church has someone so utterly unsuitable risen to such high rank. Disgraceful response from Cardinal "Tucho" Fernandez to his fellow Cardinals.

Rupnik is being protected claims leading Synodalist. “If we continue to remain silent, we contribute to continuing to hurt victims in their pain and loneliness"

Priest turns up to Harvest Festival Mass dressed as an Apple

Catholic devotions for the 2nd October