
Showing posts with the label Bishop Bätzing

Head of German Bishops attacks Cardinal Müller

Francis has started a long and atrocious cultural war in Church.

Head of German bishops: Positions of the right-wing AfD and the Catholic Church are incompatible

Does the Head of the German Catholic Bishops believe that right-wingers have souls that have to be saved?

Head of German Bishops thinks Vatican should allow homosexuals to be ordained priests

Protestant church leadership in Germany do not give 100% backing to the March for Life. Christian Democrat politicians split.

Head of German Bishops criticises Pope Benedict and Cardinal Woelki. Wants the World Synod to be bounced quickly into reform.

Head of German Bishops Conference, tied in legal knots, forced to sign cease-and-desist declaration

Nuncio to the EU determined to root out all extremism

Francis using progressive German Catholics for his own political ends - Operation "Bomb Defusal"

Trying to reconcile the irreconcilable in the German Church

Head of German Bishops determined to found a parallel Church

Key meeting between German Bishops and Vatican representatives. Is there a way forward?

Oh what a circus, oh what a Synod. Papal appointees to the World Synod announced.

Head of German Bishops criticises Pope for not pushing Cardinal out of Diocese

Bishop likens Cardinal to dead horse

Head of German bishops enjoys experimenting with the souls of the faithful. In spite of low participation in the Synodal Process, he claims their support.