
Showing posts with the label ZdK

World Synod: “There are very heated discussions”

Former head of German lay Catholics wants married deacons to be ordained priest without permission from Rome

German church continues her march towards the abyss

Synodalists attempting to force the Catholic Church to go woke!

Financing promised for the engine room of schism and heresy in Germany

Exclusive self-selecting club at summit of Synodal Path

German Catholic worry about gendered organisational names, forgetting devotion to the Holy Name

German laity become more and more demanding. Revolution now!

instrumentalising sexual abuse, German Catholic laity intent on making Church a prisoner of the state

German Catholic lay association becomes the thought police targeting Bishops

German Church on the edge of the abyss

German Catholic laity openly defying Vatican

Opponents of Synodality are psychologically disturbed according to head of Germany's Bishops

Germany on the march down the Synodal Path leading directly to schism and heresy

Head of German Catholic laity attacks Vatican

Former head of German laity seeking to subvert Episcopal authority