
Showing posts with the label church closings

The Church that lets the Church fall into disrepair. A symbol for all that has happened.

Contractor turns church into car museum

Desecrated Altar of the Church of the Failed Modern Art Project

Former Church of Saint Agnes in Berlin now venue for Mickey Mouse and depictions of a homosexual Christ

When Eternal France, eldest daughter of the Church, abandons her churches.

400 years of religious life ends with announcement after Mass

How long before Vienna's cathedral is turned into a night club?

Church stained glass used for greenhouses

Applause as church tower brought down by explosives

Modernity consumes Protestant church. A symbol of the age for Catholic and Protestant alike.

Diocese seeking to end 750 years of history. Synodal Church will accelerate church closings.

Trail of chaos left by Cardinal Roche. He is now destroying the liturgy in the way he destroyed his diocese.

Monastic life in Germany crashes and burns