
Showing posts with the label Irme Stetter-Karp

Head of German laity speaks out without reference to God, Father, Son or Holy Spirit. Grace and prayer also absent!

Leading modernist starts crying when she discovers Catholic Church cannot be made in her image

Establishment of the German Synodal Committee "a scandalous, illegitimate act in every respect"

German Synodalists spoiling for a fight. German Church on the march towards schism.

Head of German laity thinks Rome is there to learn not to teach.

Head of German bishops: Positions of the right-wing AfD and the Catholic Church are incompatible

Does the Head of the German Catholic Bishops believe that right-wingers have souls that have to be saved?

Mercy to all but not to traditionalists or right-wingers. The Ecclesiastical Commissar takes it on herself to decide who should be active Catholics

German Catholic laity back trans rights

Canon lawyer wants to exclude (extreme) right wingers from the Church

How the Church instrumentalises people's fear of the (extreme) right. Progressive hardliners are most hardline of all.

Only party in Germany totally committed to pro-life hits back at proposal to ban them from holding office in the Catholic Church

Progressives have worked for decades to change the nature of the Church, now is their last chance

Inclusivity has its limits even for Synodalists. Demand to exclude (extreme) right-wingers from Church posts

More tainting of traditionalists as extreme right wingers