Bishop denounces woke ideology

Monsignor Jesús Pulido, Bishop of Coria-Cáceres, inaugurated the VI Conference of the Catholic Association of Propagandists in the Extremaduran city, which focused on communication and education.

"In our secular society there are also dogmas", said the bishop of the diocese of Coria-Cáceres, Jesús Pulido, last week when he inaugurated the VI Conference of Catholics and Public Life in Cáceres, organised by the ACdP. Pulido commented that these dogmas "are not revealed, but are consensual, or imposed, by the majority", and lamented that "one of them is that one cannot speak of God".

For the bishop, the loss of God as a point of reference "conditions how we see the human person and how we organise society". In his speech, Pulido quoted Pope Francis and his warnings about "ideological colonisation", and criticised that "for the new woke project of society, faith is a hindrance".

The conference, which took place on Monday and Tuesday in the Cajalmendralejo Assembly Hall, was entitled: "Freedom of communication and education threatened by the culture of cancellation and political correctness". "There is a danger of considering being Christian only as being a good person and tolerant, but evangelising - taking the good news to those who do not know it or reject it - belongs to the permanent and dynamic identity of being Christian", added the national councillor of the ACdP Antonio Franco at the inauguration of the event.

