
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Ladaria

Scandal that could easily destroy this Pontificate and take the Pope's Synod with it

Pope provides protection for abusing priest

Francis using progressive German Catholics for his own political ends - Operation "Bomb Defusal"

Pope increasingly relies on Jesuit or Argentinian cronies. No way to run the Church.

Interview with 'Tucho' Fernandez- favours blessing of homosexual unions

Argentinian to head Vatican Faith dicastery

Vatican adviser says Pope opposes ban on blessing gay couples. Someone is lying.

Modernists put Church teaching on contraception into play. Is Rome backing away from the pill encyclical?

Battles of the Archdiocese of Cologne

Bishops must be "better integrated" into the People of God

Head of German Bishops responds by letter to Rome reprimand

German Bishops respond to Rome

Mass in Rome for Pope Benedict 10 years after abdication