
Showing posts with the label Bishop Mueller

Head of CDF calls SSPX stupid and claims God is the greatest liberal.

SSPX calls on new head of CDF to retract his heretical positions

Why did the Pope appoint the new head of the CDF?

New head of CDF reinstated convicted child molester

New Head of CDF on record. Four SSPX bishops should resign and close their seminary

Poacher turned gamekeeper put in charge of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Major shake-up expected at the top in the Vatican

Vicious power struggle in the Vatican

Who will be head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith?

Former head of German Catholic laity gets banned from church premises for supporting abortion

Bishop denounces smear campaign against the Church

Bishop attacks SSPX over ordinations

Replacement for Cardinal Kasper

Cardinal's past comes back to haunt him

Dissident theologians criiticised by Bavarian Bishops

30000 Catholics criticise the Pope

Dissident theologians defeat Bishop of Regensburg

Conflict with dissident theologians escalates in Regensburg

Bishop demands oath of fidelity from three dissident theologians

Regensburg Bishop- All four SSPX bishops should resign and the SSPX seminary should close