
Showing posts with the label Pope Benedict XVI

Vatican media director denies Benedict was forced out

Francis wants to erase all trace of Pope Benedict. The Damnatio Memoriae continues.

Arbitrary actions by the Pope harm him and the Church

Synodalists think they have won the ecclesiastical game. They have another think coming.

Synodalism giving new life to the dictatorship of relativism in the Church. Modernist glorification of confusion in new attack on Dubia cardinals.

Pope Benedict wished to die at the altar like Saint Andrew Avellino, Patron of a Happy Death (Feastday 10 November)

And darkness descended over the Council and the Church, 60 years ago today.

Cardinal's ecclesiastical logic will lead to Vatican III

Mozart Traditional Rite Requiem Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Old Testament scholars at war over gender in Bible

Archbishop Gänswein: "there is a lot of rottenness inside the Church". Mary is not in need of reform.

Pope increasingly relies on Jesuit or Argentinian cronies. No way to run the Church.

Complicity of Pope and Archbishop Fernandez in systematic sexual abuse cover-up

Archbishop Gänswein gives extensive interview on St Gallen Mafia, synodality and homosexuality in the Church