
Showing posts with the label Abdication

Funeral of last European Father of the Second Vatican Council, who subverted Church teaching on abortion

Archbishop Gänswein gives extensive interview on St Gallen Mafia, synodality and homosexuality in the Church

Archbishop Gänswein on Pope Benedict's abdication

Archbishop Gänswein says he cannot explain mystery of Pope Benedict's abdication

Mass in Rome for Pope Benedict 10 years after abdication

Pope Benedict explains why he abdicated in new letter

Pope Benedict attacks the decadence of the Church in Germany

Msgr Gänswein slowly takes leave of Pope Benedict

Who will be the first and how many Cardinals will resign in the 21st century?

One exemplary Pope on another exemplary Pope whose Feast we celebrate today

Pope is not elected to be the Vatican Bank manager

Pope Emeritus depending on your point of view

“Pope Emeritus” is not a licit title for Pope Benedict the Great Renunciator

New Pope elected, his name will be Pope Sebastian I.....

Pope John XIII receives Queen Elizabeth II

First pictures after abdication show Pope ....wearing a baseball cap.

Cardinal in interview- Conclave is like a visit to the dentist- clearly the shorter and more painless the better

Priest angry with Pope burns his photo during Mass

Cardinal Pell becomes second Cardinal to criticise Pope's decision

Praise for Pope Benedict from Russian Orthodox Church