
Showing posts with the label liturgy

Cardinal Sarah for Pope!

Modernist demand for new forms of liturgy

Mosebach criticises Pope Francis and restriction on the liturgy

Cardinal Marx thinks fabricated liturgy is turning people away from the Church

Protestants employ Blessing Robots but AI refuses to celebrate Latin Mass.Orders of Artificial Intelligence are totally and utterly void.

Modernist anticlericalism which seeks to destroy the priesthood. Constant threat to leave the Church if they don't get their way.

God is now Our Mother. Modernist attempt to feminise liturgy.

The Sacrifice of Isaac for Quinquagesima Sunday

In open defiance of the Vatican, priests bless homosexual couples on Valentine's Day

Yet another attack on Tradition by the obsessed Pope

Vatican warns against pseudo-clerical lay ministry-English text of letter

Communion wine for all from a vending machine

Theologian claims Synodal Path no threat to unity

Jazz Vesper to be avoided

Erotic Mass for Youth organised by Catholic Diocese of Würzburg

Theologian hits back at Pope Benedict on liturgy

Full text of Pope Benedict's important statement on liturgy- newly published by La Stampa