First Communions of old

One in Poland
And another in the US. Posted by Picasa


Beautiful 50's pics. Notice how many kids there are...These days our parish does only a couple of kids at a time.
thetimman said…
Hey, is it my imagination, or is the bottom picture St. Francis de Sales Oratory here in St. Louis, now run by the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest?

If so, woo hoo!
N. Trandem said…
The first one is actually from Vladivostok, Russia, though Bishop Sliwowsky and most of the people are Poles. There's another First Communion photo from Vladivostok here.
N. Trandem said…
I should also add that the Bishop, Priest and many of the people in that first photo were martyred (some were white martyrs, like the Bishop, some red like the Priest) by the Communists.