
From Grassi to Acevedo, the Argentinian Church functions as an Omertá that covers up the crimes of the paedophile and criminal “brothers”. Pope implicated.

Argentinian bishop avoids apologising to abuse victim

Theologian admits: “We are reforming the church – while the world is reeling”. Another Synodalist who wants to destroy the Priesthood.

Cardinal Marx deeply concerned about the rise of the right in Europe and a new EU asylum agreement. Demands Church changes doctrine.

Catholic devotions for the 14th October

Rupnik case exemplifies abuse in the Church but beware of instrumentalisation of the abuse by Synodalists

How much sexual abuse by priests was concealed by resorting to abortion?

New online portal to prevent abuse of adult women in the Church. Time for the Pope to take their training programme to correct his mistakes on the Rupnik case!

Catholic devotions for the 13th October

Theologian draws parallels between Synod and Council. Synodalist thinking exposed.