
Diocese uses music that makes any normal person run away to get people into Church

Modernist wants to turn priests into the puppets of their congregations

German Catholic laity back trans rights

Pastor who wants to integrate pornography into the Christian message shows where ecumenical modernist (im-) morality is heading

Where is the Synodal Church heading? A female Protestant pastor shows the Synodal Way.

Will pastoral assistant who pretended to be a priest be disciplined? The choice is clear: anarchy or Catholicism.

Canon lawyer wants to exclude (extreme) right wingers from the Church

Synod has brought anarchy. Despite Vatican ban – parish offers new homosexual blessing ceremonies

Synodalists and their kind attack the Church, Our Lady, the Priesthood and Marriage

Argentinian judge, newly appointed to senior position in Vatican, spared paedophile jail on the basis that it was dark

Argentinian judge who owned flats in which brothels operated appointed to top Vatican post. Please no more Peronists or Jesuits in the Vatican!

How the Church instrumentalises people's fear of the (extreme) right. Progressive hardliners are most hardline of all.

Progressive monk calls unity of the Church a fiction, traditionalism an optical illusion

Archbishop Gänswein: "there is a lot of rottenness inside the Church". Mary is not in need of reform.

Archbishop Georg Gänswein on the centrality of Christ

40 year ban on erecting Crosses at the top of mountains. Now calls to remove them. Bishops silent (again!)

Cardinal Zuppi sends message of condolence to funeral of author of God Save the Queer: A Feminist Catechism