
What would Saint Maximilian Kolbe say to the Synodal Church? Not this.

Synodalist maintains that German Church has the same concerns as the Catholic Church

Sustainability rather than Christ is focus of Inter-religious seminar in Austria.

Diocese seeking to end 750 years of history. Synodal Church will accelerate church closings.

The Mass will not survive female ordination

Trail of chaos left by Cardinal Roche. He is now destroying the liturgy in the way he destroyed his diocese.

"Brutal power grab" after Papal purge

Researcher: Traditionalist Catholics took advantage of Corona protests

While the Church Synods, monastic life dies

Paris: at the Desiderio desideravi days, Bishops not in a hurry to dialogue with the Faithful. Doors lock them out.

Cardinal Roche's Paris working holiday now cancelled. Liturgical incompetence in Paris.

Suspicion of perjury: investigation against Cardinal extended

Investigations against Cardinal also on suspicion of perjury

While the earth revolves, the Cross in fixed.

Pope pays homage to Maoist who supported abortion

Jesuit's talk in Pamplona in defence of the blessing of homosexual couples is suspended

Former Jesuit claims he was expelled from the order for denouncing sexual abuse cases

Self-appointing Synodal elite demands equal themselves