
Oldest bishop in the world has died

Vatican tells Pontifical University not to dictate to them

Second death decree passed on German rapper

To the Immaculate in this her month

Cardinal accused of lying about list of abusive priests

We have lost the use of Latin and of Gregorian Chant

Demolishing myth that the Church sanctioned same sex unions

Germany expresses concerns over Vatican's “peace” with SSPX

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith considers summoning Cardinal

Catholic bishop visits homosexual and lesbian centre

Irish government demanding priests break confessional seal

Last attempts at sabotage of the SSPX-Rome deal

"No doctrinal obstacle for SSPX reconciliation"- member of the Curia

Feast of the Dedication of St Mary ad Martyres in Rome

Vatican and liberation theologians battle for the soul of Pontifical University

SSPX on leaking letters

The scandal of the Legionaries of Christ

First abused, then castrated- article and television programme

Vatican considers making John Paul II a saint in 2015

German politicians argue about response to Islamic extremism

Leading dissident calls Catholic Church a dictatorship

SSPX bishops against deal with Rome

Iran issues death-fatwa against German rapper

Who will be head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith?

In the East, Feast of holy, glorious and right-victorious great-Martyr St Christopher

Prayer for Vocations

Church to blame for spread of Islam in Europe claims convert

Video of stealth priestess in action

Mass which could not be (un) happier or clappier

SSPX pilgrimage to Trier causes controversy

There is only one religion in Turkey and it is not Christianity

At the Hour of Our Lord's Death

Praying for our dear departed