
Linz is building a new church in the suburb of Lichtenberg

Anglicans put dog and dragon in place of Our Lady and St John

Cardinal Lehmann unhelpful to the SSPX

The reasons why the Catholic Church no longer has any influence on European society

Twins battling for the Latin Mass

BBC Newsnight on Spain after the Civil War

Pope's Secretary faces towards the Lord at Jubilee Mass

Turn towards the East

Our Lady of the Prairies

Remembering St. Louis Convent

How not to get ordained!

No reform of the reform??

Prayers for General Absolution

Cathcon is far from perfect

Why Pope John Paul II should not be canonized

Roman veto

Father Georg Gänswein celebrates to the East

Feast of St Bartholomew

The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje confided to Franciscan

Can-can in a Norbertine Monastery

Padre Pio celebrates Mass in 1956

Zombies invade Monastery of St Florian in Austria (just near Linz)

Nazis planned a similar system to the British National Health Service

Feast of the Seven Joys of Mary

To the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary

Decadent to the last

JFK was thought of as a saint and martyr

Our Lady of Holy Hope, pray for us!

Two sisters spend their time on mandalas

Dominican chant

US Jewish groups declare that they are not open to conversion

Leader of German Jews demands answers from Vatican and Bishop Williamson

Fridays- dedicated to the Passion of Christ