
Bishop Mixa attacked by leader of Bavarian Jewish Community

Bishop Schwarz trip to Rome- update

Vatican Wants More From Bishop Williamson

Bishop Fellay rejects Vatican II

Slovakian bishop says lesbians and homosexuals are perverse.

Bishop Williamson, neo-Nazis and SSPX

Bishop of Linz summoned to Rome

Storm over Bishop Mixa for connecting holocaust and abortion

Vatican not satisfied with Bishop Williamson

EU consider sanctions against Bishop Williamson

Video of arrival of Bishop Williamson in London

Central Council of German Jews repudiates Bishop Williamson's "messed up" declaration

German Bishops' Conference to discuss SSPX

"An aggressive educational work is necessary within churches to combat anti-semitism"

Fr Wagner- now the Honorary Citizenship is in doubt

Bishop Williamson apologises to all souls that took honest scandal before God

Cardinal Schönborn spins

Bishop Richard Williamson in line for speaking date

Dissident theologians criiticised by Bavarian Bishops

Vatican II was bigger than the Council itself

Muslim converts to Catholicism launch Novena for the Pope

"The whole point is Jesus is totally inclusive,"

Dinner with Michele Renouf

Cardinal Meisner hits out at Carnival

30000 Catholics criticise the Pope

German politician assures solidarity with the Pope

Bishop Williamson should be careful of the company he keeps

Linz Bishop let Father Wagner fall

Traditionalists should avoid Bishop Williamson like the plague

Bishop Williamson returns home

Pope will not undo the Council

The Stern, Unbending Face of Liberalism

Pictures of Bishop Williamson at airport