
Latest Catholic video news!

Between heaven and earth

Feast of All Holy Relics

Free the Gunpowder Plot One

The new Altar beneath the Throne of St Peter- Holy Father celebrates Mass

Feast of All Holy Relics

Latest Catholic video news!

Feast of St Charles

Flower Pot Incense Burning

Don't take the money but run

Visiting a cemetery and praying for the dead

Broken Arrow Historic Catholic Church

Turkish Officials vandalise historic church

Heroic Act of Charity

Purgatorian Consoler

Indulgenced prayers applicable (inter-alia!) to the Souls in Purgatory

Purgatorian Archconfraternity

Altar of the Bona Mors, St Francis Xavier, Liverpool

Chapel of St Julienne de Cornillon, Brussels

Best Wedding Chapel Tour

Feast of All Souls

Indulgences for the Month of November

Of your charity, pray for the repose of the soul of

The Choice

Eve of the Feast of All Souls

Saint Brigid Roman Catholic Church

4 years in vigil

Bishop Arthur's new DVD confirms

Te Deum for the Feast

Feast of All Saints

Vigil of All Saints

Priest shortage

Sit-in hoping to stop