
Pope opens door to not only Cardinals but also Bishops voting at Conclave. The next step could well be lay participation on the model of the Synod of Bishops.

Cardinal's ecclesiastical logic will lead to Vatican III

Catholic devotions for the 5th November

Music specially commissioned to celebrate 60 years of liturgical reform leaves congregation dumbfounded and not a little frightened. The "I am There" Mass.

This weirdest of all liturgical abuse ever seen is permitted but the Pope tries to suppress the Latin Mass

Parish priest celebrates Mass dressed in the colours of the French football team. Christ displaced by football support in France.

German Catholic youth distressed by Synod and call for open defiance of Rome. But Catholic Truth cannot be decided by a group of laity, selected to fulfil quotas!

Another German diocese becomes a law unto itself. Diocese of Münster wants to involve laypeople in episcopal elections

Saint Charles Borromeo addressing cowardly and unfaithful Bishops

German Synodalists spoiling for a fight. German Church on the march towards schism.

Full text of letter from Bishop of Speyer defying Catholic teaching on homosexuality

Catholic devotions for the 4th November