
Vatican guidelines for parish closings?

Cardinal Kasper thinks Catholics communicated better before the Second Vatican Council

Veni Sancte Spiritus!

Don't all priests know Latin??

Tablet readers might begin to get uneasy

Pope supports EU with certain reservations

The only true ecumenism- between East and West

Feast of the Ascension- O Men of Galilee

Christophe Schönborn- "defamatory, disgraceful allegations" against Cardinal Groer

Cardinal accused from beyond the grave by journalist

Notre Dame Cathedral-Basilica, Ottawa

Pope orders Cistercians out of Santa Croce

Pope told to reconcile himself with the German gay community

Corruption of the priesthood in the Netherlands

In Heaven's Name Mass

Only twenty seven priests left in once Catholic Aachen

Catholic Church disappearing in Western Europe

Tension between Vatican and German Chancellor prior to Papal Visit to Germany

Of your charity, pray for the repose of Gustav Mahler

Who would trust the Bishops' Conferences to solve the sexual abuse crisis?

Student protest against Cardinal Meisner - Radio Erft

Bishops' Conferences - state of play regarding guidelines

New document from the Vatican on sexual abuse scandal- small commentary

Cardinal Rigali blasted by head of Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s sexual-abuse review board

Members of Bishops' Conferences of the world will need a stiff whiskey before clicking on this.

Time for the Pope to celebrate Latin Mass in St Peter's Basilica

No new seminary for the Old Rite

Very good selection of commentaries on the Instruction

Updates on Instruction on the Application of Summorum Pontificum- a small commentary

Church takes action against mafia

Instruction on the Application of Summorum Pontificum- a small commentary